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HydroCAD® Stormwater Modeling - Since 1986

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We strongly recommend that everyone run the tutorial that is offered when you start HydroCAD.  You can also run the tutorial by selecting Tutorial on the HydroCAD Help menu.  The tutorial is loaded with important tips and techniques you'll use all the time. Answers to most questions can be found by using the context-sensitive "Help" button on every HydroCAD screen.  A complete Reference Manual is also available in PDF or printed format.
Are you using the latest HydroCAD-10.2 release?  To check your version and read about update options, select Check for Update on the HydroCAD Help menu. Would you like to discuss your question with other HydroCAD users?  Visit our public support forum on

Please select from the many support documents listed below, or search for a specific topic.  

  1. General Support Documents
    1. Frequently Asked Questions
    2. Latest release notes (changes.htm)
    3. General Tips (A Tip-of-the-month compilation)
    4. Units of Measure (Rounding, US/English, Metric, & custom units)
    5. Sending Projects by Email
    6. HydroCAD Licensing and Registration
    7. HydroCAD Training, including videos and self-study course.
    8. Where is my version and serial number?
    9. Message list 
    10. Software Status Bulletins
    11. International use
  2. Installation and Operation
    1. Hardware and System Requirements
    2. Download Links
    3. Download Tips
    4. Installation tips
    5. Moving to a new PC
    6. Startup Problems
    7. License Pooling
    8. Windows Printing Tips
    9. Exporting Data
    10. Importing Data
    11. HydroCAD File Types
    12. File Compatibility (between different versions)
    13. Understanding the Node Capacity
    14. Using a Link to Model a Large Watershed
    15. Multi-event links: How they work
    16. Data Exchange 
    17. HydroCAD command-line options
    18. CAD data import
    19. File Sharing
    20. Cloud-based license management
  3. Modeling Issues
    1. How do I model my site?
    2. Overfilled Pond Storage
    3. Inflow Area and Depth
    4. Common Runoff Issues
    5. Rainfall Issues  Rainfall Central
    6. Precipitation frequency data
    7. Synthetic rainfall generation
    8. How to use Atlas 14 rainfall data
    9. Unit Hydrograph selection and the Peak Factor
    10. Using the Rational Method    IDF Files
    11. Analyzing the "First Inch"
    12. Modeling the "Water Quality Volume"
    13. Modeling a Roof or Roof Drains
    14. Runoff, Inflow, or Outflow Lower Than Expected
    15. Results not as expected
    16. Results different from other software
    17. Outlet Device Calculations
    18. How Do I Add Two Hydrographs?
    19. Modeling an Elliptical or Arch Pipe
    20. Pond storage calculations & embedded storage
    21. Using stormwater storage chambers
    22. Understanding Exfiltration (for dry wells, infiltration, etc.)
    23. Catch basins & storm sewers
    24. Pipes & culverts
    25. Modeling a progressive dam breach
    26. Automatic pipe and culvert sizing
    27. Tailwater, Backwater, Coupled Ponds, & Pressure Flow
    28. Using the new Dynamic Storage-Indication Method
    29. Using the simultaneous routing procedure
    30. Agency Acceptance of HydroCAD (Local, state, and federal issues.)
    31. Comparison with TR-20 and TR-55
    32. Automatic TR-20 data import
    33. Swamp effects and the TR-55 Pond/Swamp Factor
    34. Modeling overland flow
    35. Using the Pond Sizing report
    36. Subcatchment FAQ
    37. Reach FAQ
    38. Pond FAQ
    39. Link FAQ
    40. Modeling Vortex Control Valves
    41. Modeling Pumps
    42. Detention time calculations
    43. Understanding the Peak Flow
    44. Curve Number issues
    45. Soils Information
    46. Time-of-Concentration
    47. Muskingum-Cunge Reach Routing
    48. Pervious/impervious runoff issues
    49. Modeling a dam break
    50. Modeling check-dams
    51. Comparing hydrographs (including pre/post conditions)
    52. Modeling rain gardens
    53. Modeling porous pavement
    54. Weir calculations
    55. Modeling a floating outlet device
    56. Land-uses analysis and pollutant loading
    57. Underground storage (chamber) wizard
    58. New chamber definitions
    59. Flow diversions
    60. Modeling off-line storage 
    61. How to resolve oscillations 
    62. Understanding the time span
    63. Using the correct time increment
    64. Understanding Finer Routing
    65. Changing the Symbol Size
    66. Modeling a gate valve or rotary weir
    67. Culvert flow calculations
  4. Modeling Examples (With photos!)
    1. Sample Pond #1: Earth detention pond with riser outlet
    2. Sample Pond #2: Flood control pond with concrete control structure
    3. Sample Pond #3: U-shaped detention pond with concrete riser
    4. Sample Culvert #1: Inlet control in action
    5. Sample Weir #1: Sharp crested vs. broad crested weirs
    6. Sample Weir #2: Modeling compound weirs with the weir rise parameter
    7. Sample Site #1: A project with no natural outlets
  5. For Further Assistance
    1. Visit the Hydrology Library
    2. Search Entire Web Site For Key Words
    3. HydroCAD Forum on
    4. Submit a Question To Technical Support (If you can't find the answer above.)
    5. Suggest a New Program Feature
    6. Subscribe to Our Mailing List (Get free Support Letters and other news.)
    7. Premium Support Plans (Software maintenance, modeling advice, etc.)
    8. Early Release Software


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