HydroCAD® Stormwater Modeling - Since 1986
Software MaintenanceThe purchase of a HydroCAD permanent license or version update include 90 days of Software Maintenance at no additional charge. During this period we provide the following premium support benefits at no additional cost: Program Updates Customers on software maintenance receive free copies of any software updates that are released while their plan is in effect. This typically includes a new release twice a year and a version update every few years. Priority Email Support Customers on software maintenance receive priority email handling, so most questions are answered within the hour. Email is the fastest and most accurate way to address most technical questions, including installation, operation, and modeling issues. And email support is often available after-hours and on week-ends. License Replacement Customers on software maintenance are eligible for free reissue of lost license or download details (after a 24-hour waiting period.)
Ongoing Support OptionsAfter the initial 90-day period, we provide the option to extend your software maintenance for a fixed annual fee. Your maintenance plan will continue to provide all the benefits listed above, plus exclusive access to any “early release” software, allowing you to use new features months before their public release. Before your free maintenance period ends, we’ll send you a proposal with full details and pricing for the annual extension. By maintaining continuous coverage you’re guaranteed to always have the very latest HydroCAD updates at no additional cost. Click here for pricing and online renewals.
Free Support OptionsCustomer support is a central part of our business, and we aim to deliver prompt, accurate support to all our customers. Towards this end we provide free Internet support and Front-Line telephone support to all registered HydroCAD users. Front-Line telephone support is intended to provide answers to basic installation and operating questions. For most issues we recommend that you submit your question using the online support form. Frequently Asked QuestionsWhich support plan is best for me? If you always want to have the latest HydroCAD release and priority support, we recommend that you continue the software maintenance plan described above. Otherwise, you can purchase individual updates as desired. What if I don’t want to pay for support? Free support is always available on our web support page and by email. We also offer lifetime "front line" support on basic installation and operating issues. Why do I need program updates? By releasing program updates, we are able to add new features to HydroCAD on regular basis. Literally hundreds of features have been added in response to customer comments and suggestions, with a new release about twice a year and a new version every few years. How do I qualify for Software Maintenance? You must already own the current HydroCAD release in order to qualify for software maintenance. If you have an earlier release you can purchase an update which will include 90-days of ongoing software maintenance. How do I sign up for support? To extend your HydroCAD support, just return the renewal proposal you’ll receive during the last month of your current coverage or click here to renew online.