HydroCAD Supports
SPEQ Stormwater Chambers
HydroCAD provides direct support for
the StormPrism system of precast concrete stormwater chambers.
This allows StormPrism chambers to be easily used within any HydroCAD model for
stormwater storage or detention.
The StormPrism SPEQ is supported in HydroCAD 10.2-4b and later.
How chambers are modeled
In a HydroCAD model, stormwater chambers typically appear as part of the
storage definition for a "pond". In the simplest case, HydroCAD
calculates the available storage for use with other calculations.
But more often, it is used to generate a complete inflow or runoff hydrograph and
route it through the pond. The resulting analysis indicates the water
levels attained throughout the rainfall event, as well as any discharge
that may occur through outlet devices or infiltration into the surrounding
Flexible storage options
Each pond may include an unlimited number of storage definitions as required
to describe its overall storage characteristics. This makes it easy to
model complex storage arrangements, such as a combination of multiple chambers,
pipe storage, catch basins, or other contributing volumes, including
above-ground areas (parking lots) that may provide overflow storage for large
Modeling StormPrism chambers
StormPrism systems is easy with the HydroCAD
chamber wizard: Just pick the desired
chamber height from the drop-down list and set the number of modules.
HydroCAD automatically adds the outside wall panels that close off the system.
For more information
For further details about StormPrism please visit
For further information about HydroCAD please see:
Pond storage calculations
Storage chamber modeling
(includes step-by-step instructions)
Exfiltration calculations
General support page
HydroCAD features and capabilities
Free evaluation program
Pricing and ordering
Images courtesy of StormPrism.
StormPrism is a trademark of Folley Products
HydroCAD® is a registered trademark of HydroCAD
Software Solutions LLC.