HydroCAD® Stormwater Modeling - Since 1986

HydroCAD 10.1 is here!

Although it's been eight years since HydroCAD-10 was released, we haven't been standing still!  In that time we've released 25 new builds, each one adding new features and capabilities to the foundation provided by version 10.  These incremental updates have allowed us to keep pace with the latest rainfall data and new stormwater storage products (chambers), while adding dozens of new software features.  If you haven't noticed the changes that's probably a good thing!  It means we're keeping up with the latest H&H developments without disrupting your work flow, while ensuring consistent results from one build to the next.

In some ways HydroCAD 10.1 is just another build.  The user interface is the same.  All your previous files will work exactly as before, giving the exact same results.  But we've added so many new features in this "build" that it really deserves a new version number.  The version change also acknowledges the hundreds of changes that have occurred over the past eight years since HydroCAD-10 was originally released, plus the many new changes developed just for HydroCAD 10.1.

So what has changed?

Even if you've been keeping current with each new build, there's still plenty to like about HydroCAD-10.1:

  Multi-level undo capability:  Select "Undo" from the menu (or just press Ctrl-Z) to see a complete history of changes for the current project.  The undo history allows you to reverse the most common project changes including node editing, node deletion, moving a node, rerouting a node, or renumbering a node.  You can easily roll-back the changes in the order they occurred, or pick and choose what you want to undo.  And each time you undo an action, a corresponding "redo' item is automatically added to the list, allowing you to move back and forth between different points in time.  You can also press Ctrl-Alt-Z on the main screen to immediately undo the most recent change, or press Ctrl-Alt-R to redo the last undo!

  New rainfall and runoff capabilities:  Now you can specify a different unit hydrograph for each subcatchment, or continue to use the project-wide setting you've used before.  We've also added the ability to trim rainfall distributions to a shorter duration, making it possible to extract a shorter duration event from any of the commonly-used nested storms.  Modeling of observed rainfall events has also been enhanced by the ability to define a custom rainfall distribution at an uneven time step, rather than the fixed time interval previously required.

Expanded Tc procedures: Kerby and Kirpich procedures added in release 5a. Sheet flow length by McCuen-Spiess procedure added in release 6a.

 Support for new stormwater storage products:  The HydroCAD chamber library has been expanded with support for the StormTech MC-7200, Xerxes fiberglass tanks, and the Pontarola Cupolex concrete forming system.  Our chamber support has come a long way since we started modeling Cultec products in HydroCAD-7, and there are always new products in the pipeline which will be added to HydroCAD 10.1 by way of a semi-annual update.  Since the latest chamber definitions also involve significant changes to the internal software, they will not work with earlier versions of HydroCAD, and we will no longer be providing support for additional chambers for HydroCAD-10.  This means that you must update to HydroCAD 10.1 in order to get support for the latest chamber products.

 Channel outlet on a pond: Now you can use a reach as a pond outlet, with the stage-discharge data from the reach being automatically transferred back into the pond!  This often-requested feature eliminates the need to manually re-enter the channel rating curve into a special outlet device.  Just set the pond to "Channel Outlet", route the outflow to the reach, and you're done!

 Flow through rock-fill: Starting with HydroCAD 10.1-7a you can use rock fill as a pond outlet device, with full evaluation of headwater and tailwater conditions.


 Sloped grate and orifice flow:  Flow through an orifice or grate is no longer limited to horizontal or vertical orientations.  Now you can set the angle of the opening (in degrees), and HydroCAD will automatically evaluate weir flow around the perimeter, including the level and sloped sides of the opening.  And as the head increases, the device will automatically transition to orifice flow. The updated orifice/grate screen also provides a dynamic outlet display, which is especially useful when configuring multiple openings or grates, as shown at the right.

  Delayed outlet controls:  With the growing use of automated pond outlet controls, we've added a "delayed weir/valve" outlet which can be used to model products such as the SmartPond rotary weir.  Commonly used to provide batch detention, these systems can provide much better performance and storage efficiency than traditional static outlet controls.

Flow-Match outlet: A new category of automated outlet controlled, designed to produce a specific outflow hydrograph, such as the pre-development site runoff.  Details here.

 Automatic pond overflow: If the pond storage is exceeded, automatically discharge the excess to the designated outflow.  This eliminates the need to setup an overflow device along with the associated temporary storage.

Automatic starting elevation: When this option is selected, the pond's initial water surface elevation is automatically set to match the invert of the outlet device(s) or tailwater, whichever is higher.  This makes it easier to model "wet ponds", ensuring that the starting elevation exactly matches the outlet and/or tailwater conditions.  (Added in release 5a)

 Automatic reach overflow: Just click "divert overflow' and any inflow exceeding the bank-full capacity will be diverted to the secondary outflow.  This eliminates the need to setup a link to implement the flow threshold.

 Enhanced link calculations: In addition to splitting a hydrograph based on flow rate, a link can now be used to divert a specified volume.  You also have the option to split a hydrograph at a specified start and/or end time.

 Numerous report enhancements including reach flow width (gutter spread), Tc segment overflow warning, and additional stage-discharge reporting for outlet devices with hysteresis.  There's also a new event listing that shows all the rainfall settings on a single page, plus a printed table-and-contents for each of your reports.  Best of all, the report generator can now produce a multi-event summary for each node, making it easy to compare results under different rainfall conditions. We've also added named report settings in HydroCAD 10.1-6a.

Watershed data import now supports AutoCAD 2008-2022.  (Support for 2022 was added in HydroCAD 10.1-6a)

There are also lots of smaller items as listed in the software change log.

How do I get the new version?

All new orders are now being be filled with HydroCAD-10.2  For information on updating a previous version of HydroCAD, please see the update information page.

Also read about new features in the previous HydroCAD-10.0 release

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